Fabric Storage Box to make you look organised

My friend Tina made me a cute fabric storage box for my birthday. As a craft hoarder I thought this was the greatest thing ever and just had to make some. Having been given two fabric sample books I thought these were the perfect craft for using the various samples of fabrics.

Start by cutting 10 squares whatever size you like I did mine 7inches by 7inches.

Cut 10 squares 7" x 7"

Cut 10 squares 7″ x 7″

Stitch four squares in a row with right sides together to form a hoop.

join four pieces

join four pieces

Add the base ensuring you have sharp corners. Leave an opening in one seam of the base to allow for turning through.

leave an opening for turning

leave an opening for turning

Repeat the previous steps but omitting leaving an opening to create a second cube. Join the two cubes right sides together at the top edge ensuring that the side seams line up.

join the two boxes

join the two boxes

Pull the cubes right side out through the opening. Stitch up the opening using a ladder stitch and matching thread. If you take care doing this it will make the box reversible.

pull through opening

pull through opening

stitch up the opening

stitch up the opening

Fold the top edge over and sew on a decoration if wanted. Finally, look around the house for any junk to fill the box until it s so full that you need to make another.

turn over top edge and add a trim

turn over top edge and add a trim

This entry was published on October 25, 2014 at 12:30 pm. It’s filed under craft and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

3 thoughts on “Fabric Storage Box to make you look organised

  1. 20140602_124741

    Here is said fabric box I made for my lovely friend Bev. Thanks for the mention on your blog Bev 😛 you could add your Fabric box the same group 😀 x


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